Embrace a good cause together with Perfect Days!
A Perfect Day is one on which everything goes well. Absolutely everything! It’s a day without accidents, incidents, unscheduled stops and overruns. And of course, a day that didn’t go over budget, with a good flow of waste and a high yield of energy. Every perfect day is one to be proud of and together, we make sure that we have a lot of such Perfect Days at AVR. And because we think everyone deserves a great day, we translate AVR Perfect Days into money donated to a good cause.
This achievement has been worth a reward since 2011. Not a direct reward for ourselves, but for others. Because you know it’s true: it’s much nicer to give than to receive. In recent years, a number of colleagues have supported a cause in their neighbourhood, thanks to the Perfect Days contribution. And AVR intends to keep doing that.
- AVR’s mission is to create a clean world where nothing remains unused. But it doesn’t stop there. AVR also works to achieve:
- a healthy living environment
- an inclusive society
- prospects for everyone, on the basis of equal opportunities
- healthy employment chances.
Criteria for a good cause
Duiven and Rozenburg keep track of the Perfect Days monthly. AVR staff, suppliers and clients can propose a good cause for AVR to support. Consider carefully when offering suggestions whether the sponsor project:
- contributes to people, society or environment
- is situated in or near our locations.
Other criteria:
- Will the donation by or help from AVR have an impact (or is it the proverbial drop in the ocean)?
- Is what the good cause does with the support visible?
- Can AVR make knowledge and talent available?
The new set-up of Perfect Days is going to help us with that. Through focus, and more budget, we can really make a difference. The sum of money we ‘earn’ through our perfect days goes to projects, activities or clubs – not to individuals – that are committed to helping people, society or environment in and around our locations.
Perfect for everybody!
A perfect day isn’t just nice for AVR, it’s nice for everyone. After all, a day without problems or hassle prevents frustration and discussions at work. And on top of that, good causes benefit from our perfect days. So, it’s win-win. And that’s secretly really kind of cool. We’re contributing this way to a nicer, better and more sustainable society. Just by doing our job. The more perfect days we have, the more money AVR makes available for sponsoring projects. On average, we score around fifteen perfect days a month per location. Let’s take on the challenge together and bump up that number!