Yves Luca,
Chief Executive Officer
I am proud of the transitions AVR has undergone and the fact that we are at the forefront of innovation in our sector. In recent years we have given many young people the opportunity to develop within AVR, because they will determine our future. Together with them we have started capturing CO₂ and in the coming years we will continue our efforts to make our operations climate-neutral. Care for the environment is at the heart of everything we do.

“AVR’s performance, innovations and infrastructure mean it is in an excellent position to meet today’s challenges. This, combined with our team of loyal and committed employees, gives me total confidence for the future.”

Rob de Fluiter Balledux,
Chief Financial Officer
AVR is a company that is playing an important role in both the circular economy and energy transition. However, success doesn’t just happen naturally of its own accord – you have to make it happen. Every day AVR works hard to maintain, and where possible expand, its role. Our people are proud of what they do and what AVR stands for and they come up with good ideas that enable us to look forward to the future with confidence.

“Success doesn’t just happen naturally of its own accord – you have to make it happen!”
Michiel Timmerije,
Director Energy & Residues
AVR is an organisation with many years of demonstrable experience in the field of reliable and clean residual waste processing. That gives us our right to exist. Together with partners we successfully realise innovative projects aimed at enabling even more raw materials and energy to be extracted from residual waste.

“Innovation and collaboration are the ingredients that will enable us to remain successful in the long term!”

Roel de Bijl,
Director Operations
AVR is a marvellous company that is playing a major role in the circular economy. I am proud of our colleagues with whom we have taken the first steps in the field of Operational Excellence. We are using this method to tackle problems at source, streamline our processes and strengthen our collaborations. This forms a solid foundation for the further improvement of our results.

“Working on continuous improvement energises me.“
Niek Nieswaag,
Manager Business Development
At AVR we love movement and action. That really appeals to me. Both the waste market and the energy market are in transition and with our expertise as a transformer we can play a significant role in both markets.

“I am proud of the fact that AVR actually achieves things.”

Cynthia van Tilborg,
Manager Human Resources
Working at AVR, means contributing to society. In our society, preventing waste entirely is unfeasible. At AVR, we are constantly working to handle waste as sustainably as possible. What you see is that the colleagues share a common passion to make the world a cleaner place and each gives substance to this in their own way. Working and having fun definitely go hand in hand.

“We believe it is important that everyone enjoys going to work, feels safe and can develop themselves.”
Jasper de Jong,
Commercial Director
Keep your own house in order – an old adage and one I believe in. We extract raw materials and generate energy from waste. We make something that has no value valuable again. We like sharing our story with the outside world and enjoy seeing people’s awareness growing. Together we are making our area a better and better place to live.

“Everything comes together at AVR; The circular economy, climate and energy transition. That’s what makes working at AVR so interesting.”

Wim Geuze,
Manager Controlling & Financial Support
I’m proud of AVR – we have the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and always find the route to the future. We invest in long-term relationships with strategic partners and with our employees. All of us – in the Finance team and all the other staff departments – constantly strive to improve our professionalism.

“Our focus on long-term investments and on making our company more and more professional makes me positive about AVR’s future.”
Martin Geerders,
Manager ICT
I love the AVR dynamic in which the no-nonsense approach to day-to-day operations goes hand-in-hand with major corporate and societal ambitions in the boardroom. As an IT team, we and our partners are proud our reliable systems and digital innovations contribute towards all AVR’s operations.

“We deliver digital solutions for the challenges AVR is facing today and will face tomorrow.“

Bram Witsenburg,
General Counsel-Company Secretary
For years, AVR has played a pioneering role in relevant market initiatives such as the post-separation of plastics and the capture and application of CO₂. Supported by our shareholders from Hong Kong, we will continue to play that role with conviction in the coming years.

“I am proud to work for a company that is constantly reinventing itself and adapting to the demands of the circular economy.”